The other night, was an absolute blast as I got to see one of my favourite bands at the moment live in Manchester. Basically, at the moment I'm absolutely in love with Sundara Karma and I'd been waiting impatiently for months until the night came around that I was actually going to go and see them. They were honestly incredible. Despite the crowds being absolute twats, with underaged kids drunk falling everywhere, it was still a brilliant gig. As you all know, I love nothing more than going to gigs and listening to live music so you can imagine how much of a good time I had. I ended up taking one of my friends with me who had never been to a gig before so this was such a cool experience for me to introduce her too. Unfortunately lmao she hated how rough it was ha ha but I guess you either love it or you hate it, kinda like marmite. Anyway, there's not much more I have to say on the matter apart from go and check out Sundara Karma if you haven't already, they're an amazing band with a kind of indie pop vibe; my favourite songs of theirs include 'Flame' and 'She Said' so go and give them a listen (I'm aware that this is a pretty short post but I feel like my photos speak for themselves ha ha).

*Just your typical indie in ripped fishnets loving life*

Summary: I walked away bruised, drunk and smelling of beer; what a fabulous way to end the night!
The Clueless Blogger
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