A. Listening to records with a good book in hand or out record shopping; if you ever find me doing either of these, I will for sure be a happy chappy.
Q. If you could only read one book and listen to one record for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
A. Wow, why have I set myself such difficult questions to answer? Erm, if I could only read one book, it would have to be The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath as this is my all time favourite novel by my all time favourite author. The record would probably have to be The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan obviously by one of my all time heroes, Bob Dylan.
Q. Who are your favourite artists/bands of all time?
A. Bob Dylan, The Smiths, Bruce Springsteen, The Clash, The Cure, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, The Boomtown Rats, Nina Simone, The Doors.
Q. What do you do when you're not blogging?
A. When I'm not blogging, I'm currently studying at the University of Manchester doing a BSc in International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response. Yes, I know perhaps the longest degree title out there. So yeah, I'll soon be going in to my second year but being at university is the focal point of what I do other than blogging at the minute. But I guess when I'm not at uni or blogging, you'll typically find me sleeping, reading, record shopping or sitting in a cool pub in Manchester with a can of Red Stripe in hand, classy.
Q. Summer or Winter?
A. Winter. Winter. Winter. Without a doubt, I love everything about Winter. I'm really not a summer fan at all, I hate the hot weather and the bulk of my wardrobe consists of oversized grandad jumpers which really don't bode well in the sun. So yeah, the drizzly English winters are definitely my favourite.
Q. Who are your favourite bloggers at the moment?
A. My all time favourite bloggers have to be Poppy Deyes, Megan Ellaby and Sophia Rosemary. I absolutely adore their blogs and have done for such a long time, the dream is definitely to have a blog as beautiful as these guys eventually. Although, these are my favourite all time bloggers, I've recently stumbled across What Olivia Did and I have to say its one of my new favourite finds, Olivia's taste in music is so so similar to my own and she has a series of posts on her blog called girl crush, where she interviews successful and inspirational young females whether they're entrepreneurs, actors and even fellow bloggers! It's such an inspiring and heartwarming series of posts! I've also recently come across The Art of Being Holly and this is also a new favourite of mine! Holly has such a beautiful and natural blog that has such a lovely feel good vibe to it; shes so artsy and also has a great taste in music (As you guys probably guessed, I'm a sucker for finding people who appreciate great music). It's also so so lovely to see a fellow blogger from Shropshire too! Something I never thought that I would really stumble across as Shropshire is such a quaint and typically unknown part of England
Q.What is your go to outfit?
A. This definitely has to consist of my dungarees and most likely a band tshirt with some doc martens. I mean my wardrobe is pretty much made up of 40% band tshirts 40% doc martens and the other 20% of random garments that are neither of the above. I'm also never without a denim jacket or a scrunchie on my wrist.
Q. What is your favourite thing to blog about/take photos of?
A. For me when I blog, its all about the photos; the photos always come first and then its the content I struggle with. But my favourite thing to take photos of, is the sea which you've probably guessed from the copious amounts of posts that are sea related. But apart from the sea, I love blogging about music and books as this is where my passion really lies.
Q.What is the last song you listened to?
A. Nancy From Now On Father John Misty
Q. What is something that you're completely obsessed with at the moment?
A. Yellow eyeshadow. I cannot get enough of it!! *Pictured above*
Q.Name a few things that you struggle with and are trying to improve on?
A. Winged eyeliner, public speaking and writers block
Q. What is with the blog name?
A. Obviously when I first started my blog back in 2015, I was completely new to this blogging world and it is fair to say that I was completely clueless! I even remember buying a Blogging for Dummies book as I had no idea where to start. Although, I soon found out that this book didn't really help me and instead realised that the best way to start learning more about blogging was to just go for it and learn along the way. So I guess this is where I've ended up and in some aspects it is still fair to stay that the title of my blog basically sums up my state of my mind most of the time as I'm a rather clueless individual.
Anyway, I'm going to leave that there before I start rambling on as I'm always guilty of doing but if you have any more questions please let me know and maybe I'll get round to doing another Q&A soon. I'm also planning on doing a whole post about university in September just before I go back for my second year so I can give you all an insight into my experiences last year as a fresher and to also answer any questions that you may have about university life. So, let me know in the comments if this is something you would find useful and if there is anything you wish to know!
The Clueless Blogger